What is "systems constraint theory" and why is it so badly needed in challenging times, especially when combined with "lean manufacturing"?
How to keep people motivated?
What are "company structure" and "business processes", why should one start the way to digitalization with them?
All these questions and others should be answered by a professional leader.
Last Friday we held an online session between the Red Line Logistics team and our partner Dzhimsher Chelidze.
Dzhimsher is the founder of Chelidze & Partners Consulting, which provides consulting and support to companies in the field of improving the quality of management and digital tools.
Dzhimsher has experience working with such large customers as:
Gazprom Neft;
Mazda Sollers;
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; Lukoil;
Administration of the Tomsk region
Synergy University
In this session, we took a deeper look at Dzimsher's experience and examples of solving non-standard problems.
Including how to increase efficiency at minimal cost, how to achieve synergy from teamwork and what needs to be done to become a leader from a worker.